Sunday, July 16, 2017 –
Battling gastroparesis is exhausting and sometimes when it’s time to go to bed your body doesn’t want to settle down. I mean come on through out the day our body doesn’t want to play by the rules, so why should bedtime be any different? Wrong!
After months of trying teas, reading, watching tv, nothing has worked like me secret sleep weapon! Rain, Rain! It’s an app that plays claiming sounds that are for sure to help you reach a state of relaxation. Allowing your body to fully relax will not only help you fall a sleep faster but keep help you sleep soundly throughout the entire night.
The app has several options for customization, allowing you to individualize the sounds that work best for you.
Open the App Store and search: Rain Sounds
When you open the app you’ll see several sound options to choose from. You’ll also see three empty squares are the bottom with a + sign at the top of each square. By selecting the + sign, you can add one sound to your play sequence three. If you select more than one sound, each sound will play together to create a custom sound that is most relaxing for you. Once you add a sound the + sign is replaced with an x, which allows you to remove the sound from your sequence. Each individual sound also has its own volume control to enhance one or more of the sounds. Directly underneath the three squares is a master volume control.
Another great feature and one that I use every night is the Sleep Timer. Click the Timer button on the bottom right corner of the screen.
Two options will appear by click this button.
- Sleep Timer – This option allows the Rain app to fade out after a duration of time or at a certain time.
- Bedtime Reminder – This option allows you to set a time and be reminded each night when it’s time to go bed.
Each night I use the sleep timer set at 45 minutes. After 45 minutes that app turns off. A cool feature is that the phone can close and the app will still play.
Although the sounds of rain and thunderstorms are the golden ticket to me falling a sleep fast and staying a sleep; but it may not be the same for you. Don’t worry because there are several sounds to choose from. Most of them are free, but there are a few that you can pay for.
Try Rain Rain out and see what you think! Comment below and let me know how it works for you or if you have some secret weapons you use to help you get a good nights sleep.
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